Inclusive immersive STEAM-based education in nature and the classroom to strengthen academic learning while building new generations of conservation leaders and lifelong stewards of nature focused on 2,000 pre-k thru HS students in North County, north St. Louis, and Madison County communities.
Paid internships will expose 30 working-age students from North St. Louis County to education, experience, and careers in conservation, environmental sustainability, and outdoor nature-based education.
Public events and programs to connect all people to our Great Rivers and birds and inspire action to protect these amazing natural resources.
Science to inform the management of 50,000-acres of critical floodplain habitat for 300+ bird species.
Being the welcome center to the Great Rivers Confluence for the Greater Metropolitan St. Louis Area and our 40,000 visitors yearly!
Through Nature Education for Stewards of Tomorrow (NEST) we are providing innovative hands-on experiential learning in nature that exposes K-12 students to STEM disciplines, sparks their interest and sustained use of STEM skills, and prepares them for further education and careers in science, conservation, outdoor education and related fields. NEST is comprised of five keystone programs: Eco-Learners (K-12), Little Creek Summer Camp (Gr 3-5), RiverVision Leadership Project (middle & high school), Conservation Leadership Crew (high school), and Flight Crew (high school).
By being a caring, steady, and generous partner, the Dana Brown Charitable Trust allows us to provide consistent, high-quality, inclusive, immersive education and effective wildlife conservation programming. This, in turn, enables us to be trusted partners within our communities, effectively protect birds and other wildlife, and conserve habitat throughout the St. Louis region. Additionally, being associated with the Dana Brown Charitable Trust and its legacy of concern for children and wildlife further strengthens our reputation as a leading conservation organization focused on improving our communities for birds and families.
We prioritize marginalized communities in our core service areas of North St. Louis County, north St. Louis City, and nearby Madison County in Illinois. We work with schools in these communities to provide high-quality immersive learning opportunities they cannot offer their students due to a lack of funds and expertise. Further, we have aligned NEST with Next Generation Science Standards, enabling us to be effective partners in the success of students and teachers. Our ultimate aim is new generations of leaders, innovators, and stewards of our natural resources.