The mission of St. Louis Public Library Foundation is to support the Library’s programs and services through advocacy and fundraising and to build relationships with others who share a passion for the Library’s work.
4 Employees | 34 Years
The mission of St. Louis Public Library Foundation is to support the Library’s programs and services through advocacy and fundraising and to build relationships with others who share a passion for the Library’s work.
Established in 1865 and with 395 employees in 2023, St. Louis Public Library’s mission is to provide learning resources and information services that support and improve individual, family and community life through a variety of services, programs and initiatives. The mission of St. Louis Public Library Foundation is to support the Library’s programs and services through advocacy and fundraising and to build relationships with others who share a passion for the Library’s work.
Dana Brown Charitable Trust (DBCT) is a key partner, supporting St. Louis Public Library as a leader in early childhood literacy in the City of St. Louis. Beginning with funding for a new and updated children’s room at downtown’s Central Library, DBCT continues to support St. Louis Public Library so that the youngest readers in our community have a strong foundation on which to build.
St. Louis Public Library (SLPL) provides support to parents to engage their child in literacy development from birth beginning with Born to Read Bags given at BJC hospital and through health clinics at a child’s first “well-baby” visit. Using a comprehensive approach, SLPL works with parents, caregivers, healthcare providers, and educators to provide programs, materials and services that grow with children connecting them to resources that support future academic success and better connect their families to their community.
St. Louis Public Library’s Early Childhood Outreach Team visits over 50 unique classrooms, daycares and early childhood centers each month circulating over 38,000 books, puzzles and games annually to serve thousands of children. In addition to classroom visits, the Library’s team brings early childhood literacy services to the community through storytimes at festivals and events and through storybook walks in city parks. St. Louis Public Library sees 2.3 million people walk through its doors each year with an additional 2.6 accessing programming and materials online.